Vertical Farms Print Feature
Editorial Print Feature
This editorial print feature was created for my Digital Publishing course at Humber College. I redesigned a Wired digital article and brought it over to print design. I improved the placement of images and layout to illustrate a clearer picture of what the article was about because the concept if vertical farms is new to many people. By adding sidebars to the article, it opens up the possibility to put emphasis on key concepts in the article to better retention of the information. In one of the sidebars, I broke down the concept of vertical farming and accompanied the points with graphic illustrations to better clarify how vertical farming works and why it's a beneficial practice and industry. By including quotes from the CEO's of Infarm and their colleagues, it makes the reader connect more strongly to the people behind the operation and understand why they are passionate about this industry and what it took for them to be successful in it.
Project Software

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe XD
